Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Learning Palette

I'm not joking when I say that this has to be one of the MOST AMAZING early and elementary education products I have used.  Being a homeschool mom I have tried a myriad of products during our learning journey. 

The Learning Palette (affiliate link)

I bought this on the recommendation of a friend who was hearing of my struggles to engage my active child who has some kinesthetic learning traits (for more information on this learning style see here).  This "toy/game" is wonderful.  It challenges her mind while taking care of the need to make movement.  Its not so long winded that it takes hours to complete either, which can spell disaster!  You can complete as much as you want, or as much as the child is able, and not feel like you didn't do as you should.  Each card is a skill and they build upon each other.

If you purchase the large kit it's based on a whole year long curriculum.  I have found that a good pace for us is one of the math cards a day while covering a difficult subject, and two to three of the reading cards.  I also repeat the cards which is easy to do if the concept has not been mastered.  Whats really cool for those with multiple learners in their home is that this could easily be used as a reinforcing of already learned concepts for review practice.  What do I mean... well you can sit your child down with a Learning Palette and pull out the cards you want them to review.  These cards can easily be done without assistance if you have already worked on the concepts.  They are self correcting so that when the child has completed their work they can flip it over and see what they matched correctly and which ones they didn't.  At this point you could discuss it with them and mark it for further review.  They can then go on to the next card.  This has freed up some time for you to get the other children going in a topic.  Score for everyone! 

Here is a link to a video of my daughter using a math card on her Learning Palette.  She is working on counting by 5's.  The Learning Palette video.

Each pack includes curriculum that is designed for the listed grade  and it provides enough material to engage a child throughout the school year.    The Learning Palette has been designed to meet state and national educational standards.

I highly recommend this product to everyone with children 5-8, or any child that is having some difficulty grasping some core basics.  I could also see some benefits for ESL learners and even adults struggling with a literacy difficulty.  

Happy Reading!


  1. My daughter loved this when you hosted our class. She has asked several times when we can get one. So I'm happy to be ordering the Learning Palette now. :)

    1. You will be happy you are adding this tool to your family's tool kit! Thank you!
